A loan fund serving worthy young men and women in Sumter County who attend South Carolina colleges or universities.

Est. 1973

The L. Arthur O’Neill, Jr. Educational Fund

The L. Arthur O’Neill, Jr., Educational Fund was established in the spring of 1973 as an eleemosynary corporation under the laws of the State of South Carolina. It was organized for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of an item in the will of the late Mr. O’Neill which read in part as follows:

All of my estate then and thereafter remaining I give and bequeath and devise unto my said Trustees and their successors in office, in trust: to invest same and keep same invested and as a separate endowment or fund, and to use the income therefrom in deferring the expenses at college or university within the State of South Carolina, of worthy young men and women residing in the City or County of Sumter, who are unable to provide for themselves higher educational facilities, leaving the whole matter in the hands of my trustees to exercise their best judgment to carry out the purpose of this bequest.”

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The Educational Fund Policy

The L. Arthur O’Neill, Jr. Educational Fund is a fund from which money is disbursed in the form of loans to worthy young men and women residing in the City or County of Sumter for the purpose of helping them meet the expenses of attending South Carolina colleges or universities. The terms of the loan and its repayment are explicitly stated in the note which the student and his guarantors, usually parents or guardians, must sign upon receipt of a loan.

Each loan recipient is expected to become thoroughly familiar with the terms of the note. It’s the hope of the Board of Trustees of the Fund that is availability will serve to raise the level of educational aspiration of young men and women in the county.

College Students Posing Outdoors

The L. Arthur O'Neill Education Fund Basic Requirements

  • Students applying must reside in Sumter County.
  • Students must attend an accredited college or university in South Carolina.
  • Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 to apply.
  • Applications and all additional paperwork must be filed by May 1 to receive funds for the fall semester.

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